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Why Are People Talking About A Raw Food Diet?

By October 4, 2019September 6th, 2023Blog, Videos

Why Are People Talking About A Raw Food Diet? | Dr. JJ Dugoua, ND | Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto

Just like the vegan diet did a few years back, now the raw food diet is gaining popularity as one of the best natural detox solutions.

Cutting out processed foods and reducing animal-based foods allowed people to get back to more whole foods, allowing their bodies to function better.

The raw food diet is so old it’s new again, and it has some serious benefits that you should know about.

Keep reading to find out more, or watch my video about the raw food diet.

What Is A Raw Food Diet?

A raw food diet is one in which you eat only fruits and vegetables, sprouted grains and legumes, nuts and seeds.

Food can only be heated to a maximum of 118 degrees Celsius, because that’s the point at which the nutrients in the food die – so “raw food” basically means that you’re not truly cooking anything that you’re eating.

Live food is easier for your body to digest because it has all the enzymes needed for your body to best digest it.

Why Would One Consider Going Raw?

Although some people adhere strictly to a raw diet, a good majority of people will follow it for only a set length of time – long enough to properly detox themselves – before returning to a healthier version of their normal diets.

This is one reason summertime is popular for those going on a raw-food detox: because with all the summer farmers’ markets, it’s so easy to pick up something fresh, and turn it into dinner for a few days.

The raw food diet is also very common among those with digestive and colorectal issues, because it helps to clean that system out effectively and gently. Conversely, charred meats, cured meats and all the sulfites involved in eating cooked food can actually increase your chance of colon cancer.

What Does A Raw Food Lifestyle Look Like?

When you’re starting out, it makes sense to start small – for instance, begin with incorporating only one fully-raw meal into your day, and do that each day for a week.

The second week, after you’ve had a chance to get used to how it impacts your habits and your life, you up your game and incorporate a second raw meal every day.

After doing that for a week, then you can move up and make all three (or more) of your meals raw-food; try to sustain that for a week or two.

Be sure to incorporate either raw food bars or powders that deliver the protein that your body needs to function optimally.

Another good thing to keep an eye on are your fatty acids – make sure you’re consuming enough of those naturally or through supplements.

what to know about raw food diet | Dr. JJ Dugoua, ND | Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto

Benefits Of A Raw Food Diet

The top benefit is almost certainly that people report more regular bowel movements, and this is a good thing.

Many people also report that their skin will clear up after about a week of eating raw, making their complexions better than they’ve been in years.

Another benefit is detoxification, although that can cause some nausea at first, as your body purges all the toxins.

Lastly, it’s common to feel as if you have more energy, even though you may have a couple of days of initial sluggishness as your body recalibrates.

Is A Raw Food Diet Good For Everyone?

No, this diet is not for everyone; especially once you factor in that it’s a detox as well, which can have negative side effects for some populations.

For example, that means it’s not appropriate for pregnant women or those undergoing chemotherapy, or anyone who may be immune-compromised.

Always work with a natural health practitioner if you decide to undertake this diet.

Questions? Ask Dr. JJ!

If you’ve toyed with the idea of going raw, whether as a detox or a lifestyle choice, be sure to call me first so we can make sure you’re staying healthy.

There are a lot of considerations, and any one of age, overall health, or medical conditions, for example, can change your ability to adopt it successfully.

With my help, however, you can also achieve its benefits – call now for your appointment.

If you have questions about naturopathic medicine, or you’d like to take your first step into the world of naturopathy, contact me, Dr. JJ, and let’s book an appointment.

Yours in health,

Dr. JJ Dugoua, Naturopathic Doctor

600 Sherbourne St, Suite 315,
Toronto, ON M4X 1W4


Dr. JJ Dugoua is a naturopathic doctor in Toronto and has a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences. His clinic provides solutions for many health concerns and has a special focus on thyroid health issues.
