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What Is Botanical Medicine?

By April 18, 2019September 6th, 2023Blog, Videos

What Is Botanical Medicine? | Dr. JJ Dugoua, ND | Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto

Botanicals are what our ancestors used as medicine.

There’s evidence for them as far back as there are records, and almost certainly further.

Many of my clients first come to see me, unaware that one of the most interesting and useful facets of naturopathic medicine is botanical medicine.

Below I’ve also included my video on botanical medicine where I explain what it is and its many benefits.

What Is Botanical Medicine?

Botanical medicine is characterized by plants and herbs that are put into a form that we can use for therapeutic use – either by eating them or by applying them to the skin.

For example, botanical medicine can be taken as tea,as the raw herb itself, or as a tincture (you can either get tinctures in alcohol or in capsules).

An interesting fact about pharmaceuticals is that around 35% of them come from plants – drug companies basically started with plants and built their meds up from there.

Some common examples:

• Aspirin comes from white willow
• Digitalis (for congestive heart failure) is from foxglove
• Atropine comes from belladonna
• Prozac is derived from St. John’s Wort

Who Prescribes Botanical Medicine?

Botanical medicine is prescribed by naturopathic doctors, herbalists, doctors of Chinese medicine, and some medical doctors, though not many.

People mistakenly think that because it’s natural it can’t hurt you – however, plants can be very potent and can most definitely interact badly with each other and with drugs you may be taking.

It does take an experienced medical professional to be able to safely recommend the right botanical combination and dosage to a patient – you don’t want your condition to become worse, or for your meds to stop working.

different types of botanical medicine | Dr. JJ Dugoua, ND | Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto

What Types Of Conditions Is Botanical Medicine Good For?

Botanical medicine can be used for anything you use pharmaceutical drugs for – there will always be a botanical equivalent that I can prescribe.

Here are some examples that I typically treat my patients with:

• Aloe can be spread across minor burns including sunburn, skin irritations or inflammation
• I recommend Arnica for bruises, sprains, sore muscles and joints
• Chamomile tea can be ingested for upset stomach, heartburn, indigestion and colic
• Garlic can be used to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, or to treat fungal infections and colds
• Mullein can be taken by mouth for chest congestion or dry, bronchial coughs
• Tea tree oil can be applied for fungal infections such as athlete’s foot
• Turmeric is great for treating inflammation and to protect against cancer and Alzheimer’s disease
• Valerian can be taken as tea or in capsule form for sleeping problems.

How Do I Know Which Botanical Medicines To Take?

You do need to make sure you don’t start prescribing yourself botanicals without talking to a naturopath; consider them to be drugs: you wouldn’t take them as preventative measure, but to treat a specific condition or disease.

Having said that, many people will pick up Echinacea when they’re sick, as that particular one is pretty safe, as well as peppermint, garlic, aloe and a few others.

Where Do You Get Botanical Medicines?

You can get botanicals at most health food stores, herbalist stores, and specialty stores.

You can also buy botanicals online, but make sure you know the specific brand recommended by your doctor, so that you don’t end up with something that’s not been properly tested or vetted.

Questions? Ask Dr. JJ

Botanical medicine is a complicated topic that I spent years studying at school and many since – in practice – continuing to learn about.

However, now my knowledge and expertise is at your disposal – call us now to book your appointment, and I’ll be happy to recommend the right combination of botanicals safely for your health, life and conditions.

If you have questions about naturopathic medicine, or you’d like to take your first step into the world of naturopathy, contact me, Dr. JJ, and let’s book an appointment.

Yours in health,

Dr. JJ Dugoua, Naturopathic Doctor

600 Sherbourne St, Suite 315,
Toronto, ON M4X 1W4


Dr. JJ Dugoua is a naturopathic doctor in Toronto and has a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences. His clinic provides solutions for many health concerns and has a special focus on thyroid health issues.
