According to research from Diabetes Canada, it’s estimated that 5 million Canadians will be afflicted with diabetes of some sort by the year 2025, a 44% increase from 2015’s statistics.

Diabetes is a disease in which your body’s ability to produce the hormone insulin is either impaired or ceases altogether. And because insulin is there to help your body process and metabolize dietary sugars and fats, this can cause significant issues.

There is no cure for diabetes, but there are methods to help manage it, including naturopathic treatments for diabetes.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid For Diabetes Management

A common complication of diabetes is neuropathy, or damage to your nerves. This is a series complication which is irreversible and its symptoms difficult to deal with. It’s why many people with diabetes end up with pain in their feet or legs, a problem which diabetic socks were designed to help with.

This is where alpha-lipoic acid, or ALA, can help. ALA is an antioxidant you can get from dietary sources, including spinach, broccoli, liver, and red meat.

If you’re dealing with neuropathy, ALA may be able to help. Particularly, it has been shown to provide relief from the sensations of numbness, itching, burning, and general pain caused by neuropathy in a diabetic environment.

On top of helping manage neuropathy, ALA may improve glucose metabolism and help manage symptoms of vascular disease.

Naturopathic IV For Diabetes And Neuropathy

If you’re dealing with neuropathy as a consequence of your diabetes, Dr. JJ may be able to help.

Combining IV treatment for diabetes with a holistic, naturopathic approach, Dr. JJ may be able to help you better manage your disease so you can live a normal, healthy life.

Contact Dr. JJ to find out if IV therapy for diabetes is right for you.

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