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Naturopathic Treatments For Celiac Disease Symptoms

By January 24, 2020September 6th, 2023Blog

Naturopathic Treatments For Celiac Disease Symptoms | Dr. JJ Dugoua | Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto Downtown

Celiac disease and gluten intolerance – the issues seem to be more common than ever nowadays.

It seems everywhere you turn someone has some sort of food sensitivity which is causing them to eat a restricted diet.

And while for some going “gluten free” may be a fad diet, for others the consequences of consuming it can have harmful effects on their bodies.

Let’s have a look at Celiac disease, what it does to the body, and ways to manage it this digestive issue.

What Is Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition that occurs when the small intestine is unable to metabolize gluten.

Because the body does not recognize gluten, it treats it as a dangerous substance and produces immune responses to attempt to eliminate it.

What Causes Celiac Disease?

The precise cause of Celiac disease is not known, however it is thought to be a combination of interactions of genes, eating foods containing gluten, and environmental factors.

Gastrointestinal infections and gut bacteria are thought to be contributing factors as well.

There also may be a genetic component, as certain gene variations appear to increase the risk of developing the disease.

The immune response which occurs when a person with Celiac disease eats gluten causes damage to the villi in the small intestine.

Villi are tiny hair-line protrusions that line the inside of your small intestine. They’re responsible for absorbing vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from food.

If the villi are damaged, you won’t absorb as much nutrients from your diet as you should be.

This is why Celiac is so serious for those affected – not only can Celiac disease episodes be painful, they can also lead to nutrient deficiencies.

Symptoms Of Celiac Disease

The symptoms of Celiac disease are triggered when someone who is allergic to gluten consumes foods which contain it.

Many of the symptoms are related to the gut, and include:

  • Bloating
  • Cramping
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Unexplained weight changes

More serious issues which can arise include malnutrition due to issues with the digestive tract being unable to absorb nutrients, sleep disturbances, and seizures.

Complications From Celiac Disease

Celiac disease affects the body’s ability to absorb nutrients.

Because of this, there are a number of complications which can result from the disease.

These include the following:

  • Malnutrition, due to the inability of the small intestine to absorb nutrients
  • Loss of bone density, due to not absorbing enough calcium and vitamin D
  • Reproductive issues, including infertility and miscarriage
  • Lactose Intolerance
  • Increased risk of bowel cancer
  • Neurological problems

As you can see, the complications from Celiac diseasecan be serious, which is why it’s important that it be treated properly.

foods to avoid for celiac symptoms prevention | Dr. JJ Dugoua | Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto Downtown

Natural Treatments For Celiac Disease Symptoms

If you are experiencing adverse symptoms due to gluten intolerance or Celiac disease, there are a number of ways to manage the disease and treat the symptoms.

It should be noted that there is currently no known cure for Celiac, so should your symptoms continue to worsen, be sure to see your doctor.

1. Follow A Gluten-Free Diet

This might seem obvious, however if you have not already taken care to eliminate all sources of gluten from your diet, then make this your first step.

Gluten is found in many different food products, from the obvious – breads and grains – to the less obvious – including ice cream, ketchup, and even soy sauce.

Do a careful inventory of your kitchen to ensure you have eliminated all sources of gluten, or if you live with someone who does still consume gluten that is kept separate to avoid cross-contamination.

2. Supplement With Papain

Papain is an enzyme derived from the papaya fruit.

It can help to stimulate the enzymes in the small intestine to identify gluten, as to avoid the immune response that causes the body to reject it.

These supplements are becoming popular among people who don’t wish to completely cut out gluten from their diet, however if you’re going to use them be sure to speak with me first. They may not completely stop the side effects of Celiac disease, and they may not be effective depending on the severity of your condition.

3. Address Any Nutrient Deficiencies

Because Celiac disease can prevent your body from properly absorbing nutrients, it is important to ensure you are sufficiently supplementing.

Your doctor can do a blood test to detect areas where you may be deficient, which may include calcium, iron, vitamins D, K, and B12, zinc, and more.

But as we mentioned above, those with Celiac disease often have a compromised ability to absorb nutrients. As a result, oral supplements and dietary improvements don’t always help, since your body can’t properly make use of those nutrients.

That’s why intravenous infusion therapy can be so effective. It bypasses the digestive system altogether, going straight to your bloodstream. Book an appointment with me and let’s talk about your options for intravenous infusion therapy.

4. Supplement With Fish Oil

Fish oil supplements can keep the intestinal lining coated, which will help prevent inflammation if you consume gluten.

Fish oils also have a host of other benefits, including helping to keep your joints healthy, promoting heart health, and boosting the immune system.

5. Include Yogurt In Your Diet

Yogurt is a probiotic which means it stimulates the beneficial bacteria and promotes healing of the digestive tract.

This will help to repair the villi in the small intestine so you can begin to absorb nutrients again.

Other probiotics include kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi.

Questions? Ask Dr. JJ

Do you suffer from Celiac, and are worried about the effects on your body?

Is malnutrition a concern for you?

Are you looking for ways to manage the symptoms of your disease, or are unsure about which supplements are safe for you to take?

Ican help.

Contact me, Dr. JJ, today to set up a consultation.

If you have questions about naturopathic medicine, or you’d like to take your first step into the world of naturopathy, contact me, Dr. JJ, and let’s book an appointment.

Yours in health,

Dr. JJ Dugoua, Naturopathic Doctor

600 Sherbourne St, Suite 315,
Toronto, ON M4X 1W4


Dr. JJ Dugoua is a naturopathic doctor in Toronto and has a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences. His clinic provides solutions for many health concerns and has a special focus on thyroid health issues.
