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Naturopathic Solutions For Allergies

By May 2, 2019September 6th, 2023Blog, Videos

Naturopathic Solutions For Allergies | Dr. JJ Dugoua, ND | Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto


Seasonal allergies.

Food allergies.

Food sensitivities.

Navigating the differences in these areas can be tricky – they are all important to pay attention too, but they have different mechanisms of action and varying treatments.

Meanwhile, there are some allergy treatments available which you might not even consider, like naturopathic acupuncture treatments

Keep reading or watch the following video to learn about the differences, and what you can do about them.

What Are Allergies?

Allergies are a hypersensitivity reaction to an allergen.

This means your body is over-reacting to the allergen, and inflammation occurs.

Allergens are things such as dust, perfume, pollen, etc., which cause the release of histamine.

Histamine causes itchy eyes, runny nose, and swelling.

These are usually referred to as environmental allergies.

Are Food Allergies The Same?

Food allergies or sensitivities also cause inflammation.

Full blown food allergies, such as that to dairy can cause symptoms such as diarrhea.

Food sensitivities are not full-blown allergies.

Sensitivities can cause inflammation and discomfort.

Why Are Wheat And Dairy The Most Common Allergens?

In North America dairy often has hormones and antibiotics which people react to.

Wheat is very often genetically modified which can also cause issues.

These are the reasons which many people have reactions to these foods.

Sometimes when travelling in other parts of the world that don’t add as many additives to wheat and dairy, people who react to them here at home can eat them with little difficulty.

How Can You Tell The Difference Between A Cold And Allergy Symptoms?

Symptoms of an allergic reaction and of a cold are often very similar, however there are a couple key ways to tell the difference.

During an allergic reaction, your mucus will be clear, however if you have a cold mucus will have a yellow-colour to it.

Allergies also do not bring with them a fever, whereas a viral infection often will.

Usually a cold will only last a few days, however allergy symptoms can last for weeks.

Dr. JJ’s Solutions For Allergy Management

Dr. JJ has a number of suggestions to help you best manage your allergies.

Let’s take a look at some of them.

get natural solutions for seasonal allergies and pollen | Dr. JJ Dugoua, ND | Naturopathic Doctor in Toronto

1. Quercetin

Quercetin is a natural product derived from the pigment of found in many plants, such as onions, apples, and berries.

It is used to help to stabilize mast cells, which release histamines.

Histamines are the substances that cause the inflammatory response of itchy swollen eyes, and runny nose, which are commonly associated with allergies.

It can also be used when travelling to areas with poor air quality.

2. Detoxification

Eating a cleansing diet, where people avoid eating common allergens such a wheat and diary, as well as cutting out sugar, pop, and caffeine can help people to feel much better.

Most people who have hypersensitivity reactions will feel better after a week of cutting out these foods.

After some time having cut out these substances, you can slowly reintroduce them back to you diet, which will help to pinpoint the exact cause of the issues.

3. Probiotics

Also known as the “healthy bacteria” which can be taken through yogurt, kombucha, or in a pill form.

They are very good at helping to decrease inflammation, however be careful for marketing tricks designed to get you to choose one brand over another – do your research and find the ones with the most active bacteria in them.

4. Acupuncture

Acupuncture can help with symptomatic relief.

For example, acupuncture needles around your face may help with a runny nose or sneezing.

Acupuncture is not something that is used as a preventative measure.

How Long Should Somebody Take Herbal Allergy Remedies?

Knowing what triggers your environmental allergies can help determine when you should take allergy remedies.

Whether you are affected by trees starting to sprout leaves in the spring, grass in the mid-summer or ragweed in August and September, you can start taking these remedies for prevention about a week before your particular allergen is expected to emerge.

Questions? Ask Dr. JJ!

Are you worried about allergies?

Is something causing you to show allergy symptoms, but you’re having trouble figuring out exactly what is causing them?

Contact Dr. JJ today to set up an appointment, to learn about your allergies and how to best manage them.

If you have questions about naturopathic medicine, or you’d like to take your first step into the world of naturopathy, contact me, Dr. JJ, and let’s book an appointment.

Yours in health,

Dr. JJ Dugoua, Naturopathic Doctor

600 Sherbourne St, Suite 315,
Toronto, ON M4X 1W4


Dr. JJ Dugoua is a naturopathic doctor in Toronto and has a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences. His clinic provides solutions for many health concerns and has a special focus on thyroid health issues.
